LIHBA Event Spotlight
We thank the following sponsors for your dedication and support towards our Annual Holiday Party!
Duffy & Duffy, Immigration Law Offices of David M. Sperling, Cuomo, LLC, Frank Torres, Esq., Grey & Grey, Rivkin Radler, LLC, Bill & Medina, LLC, 1800 Cantaso, and Ethan Irwin, Esq.
The LIHBA is proud to host an annual scholarship gala in support of law students in the community. With the help of our generous sponsors, we are able to invest in our future and give deserving students the opportunity to continue studying while easing their financial burden.
You can still make a donation to our Scholarship Fund
Value of LIHBA Membership
Benefits of Membership:
- Access to hours of free CLE credits
- Access to networking events
Career development and growth opportunities - Access to Employment Opportunities
- Name and contact information displayed on our website
- Opportunities to provide outreach to the Hispanic Community
- New Lawyers Committee membership
- Opportunities to join the LIHBA Board
Benefits of Free Student Membership:
- Access to internships
- Access to scholarships
- Access to experienced legal mentors
- Career development and growth opportunities
Impacting Future Generations
Benefits of Committee Membership:
- Access to hours of free CLE credits
- Access to informational sessions
- Access to networking events
- Access to Employment Opportunities
- Access to experienced legal mentors
- Opportunities to join the LIHBA Board
- Career development and growth opportunities
Supporting the Community
LIHBA Volunteer Opportunities include:
- Coat Drives
- Food Drives
- Dress Drives
- Webinars
- Mentorship
- Speaking Opportunities
- To view previous volunteer events, please visit our gallery.

LIHBA members can become regular members of HNBA for only $50.00 by signing up through their website.